We’re looking for female foot models for foot modeling video shots in Center (Near Tašmajdan), Belgrade, Serbia. The payment is 50 Euro for 3 hours, it’s paid cash at shots.
It’s easy to work. Experience is not necessary. If you have cute feet and soles, do not hesitate to apply.
Working Details:
- Paid cash.
- Payment is 50 Euro for 3 hours. 100 Euro for full day. It’s paid cash at shots at the same day.
- You can work regularly. (Weekly work is available for the right models)
- Work place: Center (Near Tašmajdan), Belgrade, Serbia and Novi Sad Center
- Taken videos are not accessible in Serbia
- You can work in work days and week-ends.
Shooting Details:
- It’s a foot modelling job.
- Experience not necessary.
- It’s easy and enjoyable. Paid cash at the shots
- You can apply with your friends and work together if you both are accepted.
Who can apply?
- Women only,
- Must have clean and well maintained feet,
- All foot sizes are OK.
Please attach your recent and foot photos. You can check the sample photos here.
You can apply by sending the info (age, height, weight, shoe-size) and the photos to application@footmodelingjobs.com